25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Revealed: The jobless mother of 11 getting a six-bed home on the council owns a HORSE (and you're paying £200 a month for its paddock fees, food and vets' bills)

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axpayers have already paid for the upkeep of her 11 children and for a purpose-built six-bedroom home to move them all into.
And yesterday it emerged the state is also providing jobless Heather Frost with enough money and time to keep her own horse – something that many families can only dream of.
Miss Frost, 37, apparently has the means to keep a grey mare called Annie, which she bought last year.
The paddock fees, food and vet bills are estimated to total around £200 per month.
'Scandalous': Mother-of-11 Heather Frost is having a six-bedroom 'mansion' built for her by the council because she can't cope in her current home Horse Annie Benefits: Heather Frost, left, does not work but makes enough money to keep a horse named Annie, rightAnnie lives in a field around a mile from the current Frost family home in Churchdown, Gloucestershire.
A worker at the paddock claimed Miss Frost had recently arranged to buy two more horses but the deal fell through at the last minute.
She is understood to pay £65 a month in paddock fees and had negotiated a deal last month where she could stable a total of three horses for £175.
The worker said Miss Frost bought Annie ‘about eight months ago’, adding: ‘Horses are expensive. I know, I’ve had them all my life.
'Nightmare': The jobless 36-year-old currently lives in two houses (pictured) in Churchdown, near Gloucester which were knocked through five years ago to accommodate her massive brood'Nightmare': The jobless 36-year-old currently lives in two houses (pictured) in Churchdown, near Gloucester which were knocked through five years ago to accommodate her massive brood Rubbish strewn: The back of the properties in Churchdown, Gloucester, where Heather Frost is living with 11 children. She is being given a 6 bedroom custom made council house in nearby Tewkesbury to accommodate her large broodRubbish strewn: The back of the properties in Churchdown, Gloucester, where Heather Frost is living with 11 children. She is being given a 6 bedroom custom made council house in nearby Tewkesbury to accommodate her large brood‘Annie has breathing difficulties, so the vet has to come out quite often. They must spend at least £200 a month on her.
'They were going to buy two more horses recently, but that deal fell through. It’s sickening to think that she can afford what most people would consider a luxury at the expense of the British taxpayer.’
Miss Frost refused to discuss the horse yesterday – but her 16-year-old daughter Angel took to a local website to defend her mother after it was revealed the family were being handed a six-bedroom, three-bathroom newly built home worth £400,000.
She wrote: ‘My mum has nothing to be ashamed about.’
At the family’s current home which comprises two terraced houses with a connecting door, her mother said: ‘I will not talk about my horse or my kids.’
Tewkesbury Borough Council bosses have sold a plot of land in Northway Lane, Tewkesbury, to Severn Vale Housing for around £210,000. In return, the housing provider is building Heather's six-bed super-house along with 12 other homesDeal: Tewkesbury Borough Council bosses have sold a plot of land in Northway Lane, Tewkesbury, for around £210,000. In return, the housing provider is building the six-bed super-house along with 12 other homesGrand designs: The plans for the family's plush new eco-home which the council has agreed to buildGrand designs: The plans for the family's plush new eco-home which the council has agreed to buildShe lives with her children  Sophie, 22, Toby, 19, Daisy, 18, Angel, 16, Jay, 14, Chloe, 13, Paige, 12, Emily, ten, Beth, nine, Ruby, seven and Tilly, two.
But her local council has arranged for a 1,850sq ft property to be built on a new housing development in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, which is due for completion in June. The eco-home features the latest in energy-saving design.
Frost also lives with partner Jake, who the neighbours say works as a lorry driver, Sophie’s two-year-old daughter Ashley, and Toby’s son Tyler.
The family’s neighbours were yesterday outraged by the revelation that Miss Frost has enough cash to keep a horse.
One said: ‘It’s disgusting. Owning a horse should be a luxury reserved for people who work and can pay for it themselves.
‘I don’t pay my taxes so some jobless baby machine can have a horse.’
A commentator using the name ‘Charlie76’ wrote on a Gloucestershire news website: ‘What an absolute joke! How can she afford horses? I can barely afford my dog and I work and have kids. Bloody disgraceful!’
The six-bedroom house in Tewkesbury half way through construction for the large familyThe six-bedroom house in Tewkesbury half way through construction for the large familyAnd a spokesman for the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: ‘Benefits are there to provide a safety net when people fall on tough times, not fund an enormous house and a pony.
‘Many families are struggling even to pay their daily bills and afford a decent home for their own family, so they will find it staggering if they are paying to stable someone else’s horse.
‘Welfare should not pay for claimants to enjoy a lifestyle most hard-pressed taxpayers cannot afford themselves.’
Miss Frost’s daughter Angel defended her mother on a local news website.
Spacious: The house comes with six bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen/ diner and two bathroomsSpacious: The house comes with six bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen/ diner and two bathrooms
Money-saver: The new house will boast an energy efficient design to help keep Heather's energy bills downMoney-saver: The new house will boast an energy efficient design to help keep Heather's energy bills down
Controversial: Councillor Derek Davies said it was a 'great example' of how the council works with housing providers to ensure affordable housing is provided for all our residents' housing needsControversial: Councillor Derek Davies said it was a 'great example' of how the council works with housing providers to ensure affordable housing is provided for all our residents' housing needsUsing the name ‘AngelFrost’, she wrote: ‘Heather is my mum, she doesn’t work, but my father did, and he left, so why are you blaming my mother?
‘How could she possibly work with 11 children, you people have no right judging us. My mum has nothing to be ashamed about, the house we are mooving (sic) to in is smaller then the one we live in now, so its far from a mansion.
‘All us kids are as happy as could be, full of joy and full  of life, and as for thinking we are all going to be following in her foot steps (sic) you can think again.’
She said she was proud of her mother and blamed her absent father for failing to support the family.
'Womb like a clown car': Frost (pictured with one of her sons) first fell pregnant at just 14, to a 23-year-old boyfriend who ended up in prison, and has gone on to have ten more children'Womb like a clown car': Frost (pictured with one of her sons) first fell pregnant at just 14, to a 23-year-old boyfriend who ended up in prison, and has gone on to have ten more children What a state: Frost's current home is blighted by a bashed-up minibus, two battered cars and a skipWhat a state: Frost's current home is blighted by a bashed-up minibus, two battered cars and a skip

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